What is Massage Loofah !

Many of us bathe with these but have never pondered the question as to what they are or how they benefit our skin and environment. To start, they are naturally occurring in tropical or subtropical environments such as in Asia and Africa. In generic terms we call them loofahs or luffas. However, their plant species name is Luffa aegyptiaca or Luffa actuangula, and are actually a type of gourd resembling a cucumber. Once dried out these plants become what we know them as, which are essentially sponges. Dating back for centuries these plants have been used for various types of means ranging from engine filters, water filters, and surgical tools.

However, it wasn’t until the early 1890’s when the luffa plant began its great transition into a bathing tool. This was in large part due to the rise of women’s fashion trends where more skin was visible and smoother skin was essential for a lady to look well-polished. Because of its rough exterior and porous nature it naturally exfoliates, to scrub off dirt and expose new skin cells for smooth and brighter skin. Because it is a mild abrasive it also creates friction which improves your skins surface circulation by allowing localized blood to flow. The porous nature of the loofah also allows a generous amount of your favorite Olivant soap to enter the nooks and crannies for an all over rejuvenated scrub. Just be sure to properly care for your loofah. As with any plant material it will naturally decay. It should be allowed to dry out fully between showers and have a straw-like smell. If it begins to omit any foul odor it is time to replace it as harmful bacteria can grow inside of the pores.

Not only is the loofah touted for its benefits to your skin, it also serves a greater good towards our environment. Since it is a naturally occurring plant this benefits the environment in many ways. To start it is biodegradable. Since it is one-hundred percent plant material the loofah will not harm the ground when thrown away. Unlike its plastic counterparts which fill our landfills and take decades to degrade. By purchasing a true natural loofah you are also saving wildlife that may get caught into discarded plastic loofahs, and you reduce the amount of emissions that are building up in our ozone layer by reducing the amount of factories needed to produce the plastic versions. Any synthetic sponge used in the shower will likely cause these same environmental hazards, yet utilizing a loofah in the shower can give you peace of mind that you are not harming out Earth.

Overall the loofah is a unique plant that has many beneficial qualities to you and the environment. Natural and environmental friendly products are quintessential to keeping this Earth and your body healthy.Remember a healthier skin is a healthier and younger looking you. The benefits of the loofah coupled with Olivant olive oil based soaps will be sure to brighten your skin leaving it enriched and youthful.

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